Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bert: I am a big boy

I'm going to start out this blog by first introducing each of the pets. We'll save the kids for later. They get enough attention.
The first pet I'd like to introduce is our younger pug Bert. Bert will turn 2 on May, 31. Bert is about the biggest purebred pug I've ever seen. Okay, here's the truth. The boy weighs 32 pounds. I feel like I need to defend him about his size issues. He really is a big-boned pug. He stands taller and longer than any other pug I know.
I equate his size with my husband (insert innuendo here). I mean...my husband is 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighs accordingly. You could say he is above-average in size. Bert falls into the 95-plus percentile for height and weight.
Here's some photographic evidence:

You can also see that he is extremely handsome. So anyone else have a plus-sized pug?


  1. Hi Bert! You're sure a cute boy, and yep, you're a big boy, too!! Welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. I would love to get him and puggie together. Puggie is also one of the biggest pugs I have ever meet / seen. He weighs in at 32lbs as well and is solid muscle. He also towers over other pugs we know and see.

  3. your pug looks extremely smart. i recently got a pug in Feb and now he is almost a little more than 3 months. we saw a couple of pugs his age and were surprised at how large and tall our pug is. he weighs 5kgs already and is tall for his age. i am quiet curious about his look as most pugs i have seen are short and extremely stout. his head is smaller than the usual pugs, tall legs and quiet musclular around the chest region.... i wonder whether he will turn out close to yours.
